Ellen DeGeneres No Makeup

Behind her attractive and enthusiastic looks, actually Ellen DeGeneres no makeup appearance shows her different side. The side that we almost forget her age is already 56 years old. Of course this woman is always looks younger whenever we show her as the host for the talk show. No it not because she us too much makeup to hide her aging looks. Her vibrant appearance and her laugh makes this woman looks younger with minimalist makeup only on her face.
But well can’t help that Ellen DeGeneres no makeup appearance revealed that she is no longer young actress. The woman who came out as the Lesbian may never using too much makeup that why her with and without makeup appearance not too different. In her everyday show, she like to put minimalist makeup only. The blush on and nude lipstick giving her that vibrant and enthusiastic looks. And without makeup, we can see that she is really old. Her skin is saggy with the wrinkles that spreading from her cheek till her neck. Her eyes is full with crow’s feet even we can see also the laugh lines round her mouth too.
And well even Ellen DeGeneres no makeup appearance shows her older side, but we can say that she is still attractive. And of course she not need to much makeup because her own personality is more attractive here.

Ellen DeGeneres No Makeup Picture

Ellen DeGeneres No Makeup

Ellen DeGeneres Without Makeup