Courtney Love Without Makeup

Among 90s female musicians, Courtney Love is considered as the most memorable one. Her marriage with Nirvana’s vocalist Kurt Cobain enhances her to rise to fame. The singer who expands her career as visual artist and actress has transformed into a fine lady now. As a front woman of American rock band, Hole she used to perform with gothic makeup and outfit. Her appearances changes gradually and she becomes more elegant and feminine now.

Courtney Love Without Makeup
In addition, she tends to put on heavy makeup very often. No wonder, Courtney Love Without Makeup seems so much different. Therefore, we find it hard to recognize her when she ditches her makeup.

Courtney Love Without Makeup
The American singer, Courtney Love is seen walking outside a building with messy look. She doesn’t seem to comb her hair neatly because she just wears her medium length loose. On top of that, the lack of makeup gets her appearance messier. Her white facial skin looks pale without as if it represents tired and weak feeling.
Well, she is no longer young, but at least she should cover her bags under eyes with concealed in order not to make her seem too old. Even, she doesn’t apply lipstick to polish her lovely big lips. Usually, she uses glossy red lipstick but without lipstick she looks pale and gloomy. Courtney Love Without Makeup seems like completely different person.